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Licensed / Insured - License # 47099


Hamman Electric LLC has all the experience needed to assist, manage and design all
lighting installations. From complex energy management lighting to simple residential fixture replacements or add-ons.


Residential / Commercial / Industrial

A lighting retrofit is simply an upgrade to your light fixtures or lamps, increasing energy efficiency. Energy savings often offsets the cost of these projects over time, while improving light levels and eliminating maintenance headaches. Utility companies often offer rebates for this kind of project.

In many situations, the most accessible  option that’s suitable for a huge variety of  uses is LED technology. So, is making your  property’s lighting more energy efficient as  simple as switching to LED bulbs? In some  circumstances the answer is yes. However,  many fixtures will need to be either retrofitted  with LED modules or replaced with new LED  fixtures.

Which should you choose for your transition to energy-efficient lighting? Let’s look at why LED is a strong choice for your energy efficiency upgrade.  

An experienced licensed electrician is knowledgeable gives efficient, professional installations. 

Outdoor and Pool Lighting

A well-lit landscape or outdoor area is a huge draw when it comes to the curb appeal and functionality of a home. Outdoor electrical setups come with their own set of challenges.  Some landscapes call for suspended or elevated lighting, while others require specific amperage, low-voltage transformers, buried cables, and other specifications to stand up to energy demands and elemental exposure. 

Don’t put yourself at risk, get a professional electrician who can safely complete the job without sacrificing aesthetics. Hamman  Electric service will come equipped with the tools needed to install your outdoor lighting safely and mitigate the risk of electrical shock and steep falls.